While most people would try to avert their eyes as if the Arc of the Covenant was opened in front of them, these churchgoers don't mind seeing the fellow members of their congregation naked!
White Tail Chapel, located about an hour's drive south of Richmond, Virginia, is a nude church with a small congregation (not small, like "it's pretty chilly in here" small, but still, small) where you can mimic Adam and Eve in your Sunday attire (minus the fig leaves).
Pastor Parker, the leader of the church, has said that everyone here is trying to find their inner peace, and it's not about whether or not you're wearing clothes:
"There's not a feeling that you have to be better than one another, physically. We're humans, we have scars, we have what we have…it's learning to love and accept that."
Clearly, this church is all about how rock hard your…faith is. Yes, faith…we'll go with that!
All in all, we just hope the only morning wood this church experiences is the pulpit!
Ch-ch-check out more of the congregation baring their…souls (below) and an entire news segment on their nude ways…AFTER THE JUMP!!!
WATCH VIDEOhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HpJ4bwF_KNI&feature=player_embedded
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