Friday 8 August 2014

Pastor Who Prays For Sick People Has Contracted Ebola Virus

A 75-year-old Spanish Priest, Miguel Pajares, who prays for people in Liberia as a missionary has contracted the deadly Ebola virus, probably in the process of laying hands on one a carrier of the disease.

He has been moved back to his country and was immediately quarantined for treatment. A medically-equipped military jet was sent into Liberia to evacuate the kind-hearted pastor for treatment.

Also, a Spanish nun named Paciencia Melgar working in Equatorial Guinea has also tested positive to Ebola and will also be repatriated to Spain for possible treatment.

The priest and the nun belonged to a Catholic humanitarian group that runs hospitals around the world, and had been helping to treat patients infected with the virus when they were infected.
Hopefully, the good work both of them have been doing will help them get lucky and defeat the Ebola virus.

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