Monday 31 March 2014

Nigerian lesbian asylum seeker says she faces death sentence if deported

46 year old Nigerian lesbian asylum seeker in
the UK, Adejumoke Apata (pictured above),
says she risks a death sentence if she is
deported to Nigeria.
Ms Apata says she fled Nigeria in 2004 and
claims that her girlfriend who refused to go
with her, was brutally murdered by vigilantes
in 2012.
Before she left Nigeria, Adejumoke said she
was subjected to homophobic torture,
persecution and a brutal arrest after she
was exposed as a gay woman. She claims she
was also sentenced to death by stoning for
being a lesbian. Continue...
Adejumoke, who is facing deportation,
doesn't want to be deported and has started a
campaign aimed at persuading people to sign
a petition against her deportation.
"Returning to Nigeria is not an option
for me, because as well as a death
sentence hanging over me, I will face 14
years in prison due to the anti-gay law
that was passed by the Nigerian
Government in January 2014. I want to
remain in the UK in order to contribute
positively to the society and support my
girlfriend, who I am now engaged to,"
Adejumoke said in a YouTube video.

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