Tuesday 18 March 2014

EXPOSED: Governors and Ministers In Fresh Private Jet Deals

Political office holders in the country,
especially governors and ministers have
embraced a new way of flying in state-
of-the-art private jets to destinations
within the country and overseas
without necessarily owning them,
findings have shown.
The new private jet ownership model
called time-share lease, which is fast
gaining ground among the political
elites, has seen over 30 private jets in
the country, carrying mostly ministers,
governors and top government and
private sector shots, exclusively.
"They are many things that these
our government officials are doing
that are harmful to our economy;
that is why we see a situation
where a lot of projects are left
undone, or left midway without
"For instance, the number of
private jets operating in the
country is too much, and the
maintenance of these jets is biting
deep into the nation's purse.
"The fact is that if these
government officials are leasing
these planes from foreigners and
are using their personal funds to
maintain them, it is bad for the
economy; and if they are using
government's money, then it
means they are depriving the
citizens of the country and using it
for their pleasure."
Investigations by The Punch revealed
that some European companies and a
few Nigerian private jet firms were
behind the time-share private jet lease
business model.
It was learnt they introduced the model
to the country to enable them make
money from the political class.
Time-share private jet lease, also called
fractional jet ownership, provides
individuals and corporations a way of
enjoying the benefits of a private jet
anytime they want it.
The fear of scandal and fraud allegation
as a result of the outright ownership of
private jets had made serving ministers
and other top men in the Presidency to
embrace the time-share lease
A top aviation official explained, "What
European companies and some few
Nigerian private jet companies are
doing now is to engage in time-share
private jet lease agreement with
members of the political class,
especially minister and governors.
"Through this time-share lease
arrangement, many ministers and
governors now have access to the use
of private jets, as much as they want
without necessarily buying or owning
them. It is a smarter way to save them
from scandals and fraud allegations that
may greet the outright purchase of a jet
by political office holders."
The official further said, "Some of them
buy as much as 15 hours or more in a
month. For example, some buy 15
hours a month for six months; this
equals to 90 hours. They make that
payment at once. In a year, some pay
as much as $500,000 or $1m.
"The companies ask for their schedule
and make the jets available to them
regularly. This is the kind of deal the
private jet companies are closing with
some ministers and governors to enable
them make use of the private jets
regularly without actually owning
The private jets firm had been making
millions of dollars from ministers,
governors and top political actors in the
country through this arrangement, while
the people they are elected to serve
struggle to feed themselves.
The revelation came on the heels of
recent reports that a serving minister,
who is believed to be close to the
Presidency, had spent millions of dollars
in the last two years flying a
Bombardier Challenger 850 plane.
The said Minister is a woman and she is
powerful in the Goodluck Jonathan
government. Sorry, Nigerians!

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