Sunday 26 January 2014

Tips on how to pass your exams

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Tips on how to pass your exams

Excelling in examination can bring many things, like a rewarding career, a better job, financial rewards, promotions, enviable status and respect, while failing examination would certainly put serious barrier on the path to success and greatness in the future.

For you to pass your examinations there are things you need to take into consideration according to Mike Odum in his book "Examination Excellence"

According Odum a leading authority in motivational speaking, below are some tips that would guide you to ensuring successful exams:

  1. You must have passion or interest for the course you are studying i.e you must have your whole self in it.
  2. Study your lecturers and know may be they fall into these categories, so that you will know how to relate with them:
  • The dictator: the lecturers that comes to class and read notes and textbooks to students
  • The publisher: lecturers that issue or sells handout to students
  • The performers: lecturers that devote most of their time to researches.


  1. Make a place of study for yourself i.e. look for a cool place where your friends won't come to disturb you.
  2. Set a time of study or time table for yourself. Manage your time efficiently because time waits for no one.
  3. Know your ability i.e. how fast you can understand when reading either ones or twice.
  4. Have a formula or shortcut that can help you remember the things you have read.


Be assured that these little things you don't consider can really help you, you can start with it today and you are sure of making it.


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