Monday 6 January 2014

The story of North Korean leader feeding his uncle to 120 dogs was the imagination of an impostor blogger

Oh dear. An impostor blogger with a wild sense of imagination has deceived the world, if the article from BBC today is to be believed. The story culled from Chinese newspaper Wen Wei Po and carried by a lot of the major online news sites, including Daily Mail, NYTimes, and LIB (hehe), claimed that North Korean dictator Kim Jong-Un stripped his 'traitor' uncle naked and fed him and six others to a pack of 120 dogs that had been starved for three days. (If you missed the story, read it HERE)

Apparently nothing like that happened. The originator of the story is a blogger who calls himself Choi Seongho, and claims to be a North Korean newspaper editor now studying in China. Thing is, there's another Choi Seongho, who is way more popular and recognized as a reporter. The real Choi told the BBC that the other Choi is an impostor. Read BBC's report on the fake story after the cut...

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